Welcome to the BuyFood Toscana 2024 buyers' application form.

Step 1

Fill in the fields below and complete your registration to the event.
We remember that all the fields are required.

The application form is closed.

Company Data

Fill in the fields below with your company data

Company Details

Fill in the fields below in order to enrich the information about your company

Like targeting

Characteristics and features of producers you would like to meet at BuyFood Toscana 2024

Which products you are interested in?


Fill in with the data of the person that will attend the event and will manage the sessions of work before di event:

PRIVACY POLICY - (Personal Data Protection Code)

I, the undersigned, in submitting my personal data to PromoFirenze Special Agency of the Florence Chamber of Commerce, hereby declare, pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and the Privacy Code pursuant to Leg. Decree n. 196/2003 as amended by Leg. Decree n. 101/2018, to have read, in the appropriate section on the website, the policy regarding consent to data processing in its entirety.

Furthermore, I, the undersigned, with regard to the processing of data for the data controller’s promotional and commercial purposes, hereby express

BuyFood 2021

BuyFood Toscana is an event of

Regione ToscanaCamera di Commercio di Firenze

Organized by

Help Desk